Editor Plug-ins

The CodeGrade Filesystem mounts files locally to your system in such a way that they can be used in any editor or by any tools. Furthermore, the special files created by the Filesystem can be edited manually in any editor to grade and review submissions.

For some editors, we have however created plugins to make interacting with the special files easier and to make it possible to give inline feedback locally too. This allows the entire grading workflow to be done locally.

Links to the currently available editor plugins can be found below:

Atom Plug-in

Documentation for the CodeGrade Atom Plugin can be found on https://atom-docs.codegra.de.

Vim Plug-in

Documentation for the CodeGrade Vim Plugin can be found on https://vim-docs.codegra.de.

Emacs Plug-in

Documentation for the CodeGrade Emacs Plugin can be found on https://emacs-docs.codegra.de.


Please contact us if you want a CodeGrade plugin for your favourite editor or IDE too.